Missions for Everyone: Caring for Cross-Cultural Workers—Debriefing
|Wycliffe Singapore office
Know someone who is going through a hard time—maybe a missionary who just returned from the field—or is facing a situation that needs to be shared with trusted ears? Come learn about how to debrief those you care about when they are going through a difficult experience.

Time & Location
2024年3月23日 09:00 – GMT+8 12:00
Wycliffe Singapore office, 25 Harper Rd, #02-07 Harper Point, Singapore 369683
About The Event
Topic: Caring for Cross-Cultural Workers—Debriefing
Speaker: Michelle
Do you know someone who is going through a tough time—perhaps a missionary who recently returned from the field—or is facing a situation that needs to be shared with trusted ears? You may be a church leader, or a member of the missions committee, or a cell group leader—you’d like to help, but you’re uncertain how.
Come learn more about how to debrief those you care about when they are going through a difficult experience. You’ll also learn some boundaries, and how to recognise red flags—when issues surface that require a trained counsellor. Find out what makes for good or bad listeners, plus have an opportunity to practise the skills for good listening.
About the speaker:
Michelle served in an Asian country for over two decades doing administration, HR, membercare, and training. Now, back in Singapore, she has been the prayer coordinator and membercare personnel.
- This workshop is open for all, and in particular, leaders or people who are part of the missions committee of a sending church, or cell group leaders
- The deadline for registration is 9 March 2024
- This is an in-person event held at the Wycliffe Singapore office at 25 Harper Road, #02-07
- As limited slots are available, if we reach full capacity before 9 March 2024, we will place new registrants on a waitlist. Registrants will be informed by 16 March 2024 if slots become available.