Join us in Transforming Lives with God's Word
Member Care & Counselor
Member care professionals are concerned for the well-being of members, especially if they serve in difficult or isolated places overseas. They strive to come alongside members and show care for members holistically – emotionally, relationally, intellectually, spiritually and physically. This care for members is both preventive as well as in response to crisis. The aim is to help members thrive as God’s children and be effective where He has called them.
Identify member care needs and coordinate resources to respond to these needs.
Help members develop self-care strategies to building personal resilience.
Develop entity resources to respond to needs of all members (families, singles, new members, transitioning members, aging members).
Facilitate dialogue and resolution of conflicts.
Bachelor's degree in counselling or psychology.
Trained in the use of cross-cultural stress evaluation tools, stress management strategies, conflict resolution, etc. (or willing to learn).
Previous cross-cultural experience is beneficial.
Other training may be required by individual projects.