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More Than Words

More Than Words is our biannual newsletter designed to share our latest activities, both within Wycliffe Singapore and in other regions in the world.

Stay updated with the work that we're doing, as well as read up on what we have done in the past through our older newsletters!

Useful Resources

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Called by Grace, Led by Grace (2023)

by Kwan Poh San


Called by God to serve in missions, Poh San and her teammate, Liisa, translated the New Testament for the Mauwake people of Papua New Guinea. They were adopted into a village family and fondly known as "those two" while living among the Mauwake for over 20 years. Poh San shares candidly about the joys and challenges of living and working cross-culturally, not just with the Mauwake, but also the many other nationalities on the field.

After 45 years of ministry with Wycliffe Bible Translators, she testifies that she was truly Called by Grace, Led by Grace.


Wycliffe Singapore office (S$20 + $5 postage & packing)

- Email to check availability and place order.


Proceeds from the sale of this book will be used to fund language projects overseas.


Raising Up a Generation of Healthy Third Culture Kids: A Practical Guide to Preventive Care (2020)

by Lauren Wells

Third Culture Kids (TCKs) are often envied for their exciting multicultural lives and experiences. This cross-cultural exposure makes them adaptable, resilient and empathetic. However, they also experience considerable stress, loss, grief and identity issues from repeated transitions.

Definition: A TCK is a person who spends a significant part of his or her developmental years in a culture other than their parents' culture. Read more.


Amazon (through other sellers)



Amazon (Kindle)

This Is Home, Surely? A Guide for Parents of Singaporean "Third Culture Kids" (2019)
by Sharon & David Tan


With experience drawn from real-life, this book will be helpful to families of TCKs through the whole process: preparing to leave Singapore, while overseas, and, especially, when they return. David Tan is the current Executive Director of Wycliffe Singapore. Read more.

Sharon to check availability and place an order.
(S$5 + postage & packing)

Google Play Store (EPUB)
Amazon (Kindle)

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Tentmaking: The Life and Work of Business as Missions (2006)

by Patrick Lai

An in-depth reference for tentmakers/missionaries operating in regions which do not permit Christian missionary work. It presents a useful classification and discussion of different types of tentmaking. Many aspects of missionary life are also discussed: motivation, preparation, accountability, 
visas, relationships with authorities and team members, "third culture kid" issues, finances, home assignments, etc.


The book is based on a survey of over 450 people serving in the 10/40 window and is an important resource for this specialised area of world missions. Read more.


Book Depository (ships from the UK)

Amazon (through other sellers)



Amazon (Kindle)

ChristianBook (EPUB)

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Coffee on the Terrace (2002)
by Bruce Grayden

Set in the Philippines' terraced highlands, Coffee on the Terrace is a story of hope and perseverance, as the Graydens work with the Kalinga people to translate God's Word into their language. Learn how the translated Scriptures made a dramatic impact on the Kalingas' lives and set them free from spiritual oppression and revenge killings.


Wycliffe online bookstore (ships from US)
Wycliffe Singapore office (S$22 + $5 postage & packing)
- Email to check availability and place order.

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In Search of the Source (1999, 2006)
by Neil Anderson & Hyatt Moore

Experience the life-changing power of God's Word with Bible translators Neil and Carol Anderson. Watch with them as translated Scripture leads the Folopa people of Papua New Guinea out of bondage and into freedom in Christ, the source of true life.


Amazon (through other sellers)
Wycliffe online bookstore (ships from the US)
Wycliffe Singapore office (S$19 + $5 postage & packing)
- Email to check availability and place order.

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And the Word Came with Power (1992, 2002)
by Joanne Shetler & Patricia Purvis

Read how the Balangao people of the Philippines, long enslaved by spiritual forces, found freedom through the power of God's Word in their own language.


Amazon (through other sellers)
Wycliffe online bookstore (ships from the US)
Wycliffe Singapore office (S$10 + $5 postage & packing)
- Email to check availability and place order.

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