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World Day of Prayer

2021 World Day of Prayer

Wycliffe’s World Day of Prayer is held on 11 November each year. On this day, we re­mem­ber how God has answered the prayers of His peo­ple for the ministries of Wycliffe worldwide. We also pray for the ongoing work, the people engaged in the work, and the people groups still waiting for the transformation that God’s word in their heart languages brings.

Wycliffe Singapore’s Vision:

We desire to see individuals, communities, and nations transformed through God’s love and Word expressed in their languages and cultures.

Snapshot: The Remaining Work (Sep 2021 Stats)

In the world, there are about 7,378 languages (7.9 billion people). Of these, 3,495 languages have some Scripture (7 billion people):

  • 717 languages have a complete Bible (5.75 billion people)

  • 2,778 languages have a complete NT or portions (1.28 billion people)

  • 2,217 languages have translations in progress (1.1 billion people)

  • 1,892 languages are waiting for projects to begin (145 million people)

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. (Eph 6:18, NIV)

Join with us to pray for:

  1. Pray that God will open doors for Christian workers to minister in countries that are difficult to access or in areas that are resistant to the gospel. Also pray for open doors to individuals’ hearts.

  2. Pray that these workers will be able to communicate effectively in other cultures and languages, and for strength and perseverance when their ministry seems fruitless. Pray against evil forces that try to hinder their ministry, whether in translation and literacy, scripture use, community development, etc. Pray for God’s comfort and peace, and the assurance that their work is not in vain.

  3. Pray for those in support ministries such as administration, finance, human resources and IT, whether on the field or in home offices. Pray for the wisdom and ability to carry out these crucial functions.

  4. Pray for opportunities for those in isolated areas to spend time with other believers, and for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual restoration that can only be found in Jesus.

  5. Pray for the safety of missionary families. Pray that their children of Christian workers will see the impact their parents are making and seek to contribute as well through action or prayer.

Local Partners
  1. Pray that these local partners will depend on God for strength and wisdom as they persevere in their work and ministries among their own people. Pray for their spiritual growth and witness in their communities.

  2. Pray for their physical needs such as housing, food and medical care. Pray for support from other believers and their communities.

  3. Pray that those who are persecuted for their Christian beliefs will not fear, but will trust in God and persevere.

  4. Pray that the people will recognise that language work also brings social good and positive transformation to their communities through improving access to education, work, healthcare, welfare, etc.

  5. Pray for local believers to grow in their faith and spiritual maturity as they hear and read the word of God in their heart languages.

Unreached People Groups*

* people groups which do not have an indigenous community of believing Christians with adequate numbers and resources to evangelise their own people group (usually defined as under 2% of the population).

  1. Pray for missionaries to be able to show that they are friends, not enemies. This may be through building up the community through medical aid, education, employment, etc. and just spending time with the local people to build relationships.

  2. Pray that God will raise up persons of peace (Luke 10:6) in the people groups who are receptive to the gospel, respected within their people groups, and able to introduce the missionaries to their communities.

  3. Pray that these groups will one day receive God’s word in their heart languages. Pray that their hearts will be ready to hear God speaking to them, and that their lives will be transformed.

  4. Pray for God to raise up more Christian workers, local and foreign, to work in various ways towards this goal.

  5. Pray for communities and governments to be prepared to welcome Christian workers and the help they provide, and, ultimately, experience transformed lives through hearing the gospel in their own languages.


If you would like to pray regularly for members of Wycliffe Singapore and language projects in unreached people groups, consider signing up for our weekly prayer bulletin.


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