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Missions Mentoring Group – Not Sure if You’ve Been ‘Called’ to Missions?

So, you’ve heard (what you think might be) a call to missions. Does that niggling little interest even count as a ‘call’? You dismiss it from your mind, but it pops back up every now and again. What should you do about it? If only there was someone you could talk to…

This is not an uncommon plight! The good news is that there are experienced missionaries who will be only too glad to answer your questions, share their stories, and pray with you for guidance. Most mission agencies and some churches have groups for those exploring the idea of missions. These groups come with no strings attached – participating doesn’t mean you will definitely have to sign on as a missionary, or that you will be packed off on the next flight to the ends of the earth!

Wycliffe Singapore has long provided mentoring, formally or informally, to those interested in missions. In the past few years, this has taken the form of a programme which comprises a set of 8 sessions covering a range of topics such as understanding missions, discerning your call, as well as practical matters (finances, preparation and planning, marriage/singlehood, children’s education, etc). The group meets monthly and is led by experienced missionaries, who invite other missionaries to share on specific topics. Participants get to hear lots of stories and ask all the questions they want. Some may eventually become missionaries, with Wycliffe or some other agency, while others may decide that God is calling them to serve him in some other role. Either way, that’s fine!

Comments from recent participants:

Very honest and candid sharing, and gave a better idea on how we can know the call is from God, and a reminder to let God lead and he will do the work to lead us where he wants us to be.
Good sharing of field experiences. Heartfelt sharing on difficulties and pains of missions.
Highlight: Hearing stories and learning from experiences from people who have walked in the field.

If you would like more information about the Missions Mentoring Group, contact us!

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