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Giving to a Project

We seek to form partnerships with churches and individuals to our language projects in the field under Wycliffe Singapore.
You may contribute to a specific project or to the general project fund which will be used to start new projects or assist under-supported projects.

Step 1: Transfer your gift via PayNow OR cheque OR bank transfer

Click on one of the options below for more details:

Please indicate clearly in the reference section what you wish to give towards*

WBTS Paynow QR Code_edited.jpg

Account Name: Wycliffe Bible Trans(S) Ltd

UEN: 198306044C

*Please indicate which of the following you wish to give towards:


  • R200 (Project Fund)

  • A specific project (please indicate project name)

Step 2: Notify Wycliffe Singapore via the form below or email

Please remember to notify Wycliffe of what you wish to give either via the form below or via email at

Donation Details

I am giving to:

*Funds in excess of the current need will be applied to another R200 project or to future needs within the same project

I am giving by:

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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