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Translating the word,

Transforming the World

Our Vision

Lives and communities are transformed through the Word translated into their languages and cultures for the glory of God.

1.3 billion people

don't have a full Bible in their language

177 million people

don't have any Scripture in their language

136 million people

are still at the initial stages of Bible translation

Source: Wycliffe Global Alliance, September 2024.

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The Need

The minority groups that need Bible translation the most are often those who are overlooked and forgotten. But God has commanded us to reach out to ‘all the nations’.

Minority peoples are just as important to God as larger people groups. Because God cares about the last, the least and the lost.


Featured People Group

The Rakhine People

Although 89% of Bangladeshi people identify as Muslim, most Rakhine people are Buddhist. For generations they have remained faithful to their Buddhist traditions, even claiming to be the first followers of Gautama Buddha in all of Southeast Asia.

Upcoming Events



Clemence, serving in Asia

Translating the Word of God, Transforming the Souls of Man - It has been an incredible journey to be part of a movement that invests in the only two things that last for eternity - the Word of God and the souls of man.

Shu Yun, serving in Asia

It's a privilege to see God at work in people! We live in exciting times, seeing His Spirit move in communities which had long resisted Him. Let us therefore not tarry, but move in His Spirit to pray, give and serve!

How Can I Help?

Wycliffe welcomes everyone of all ages and backgrounds to serve together in this work!


Commit yourself, your church or cell group to partner with our missionaries and pray regularly for them.


We have internships, short-term and long-term roles in both language and support areas. Whatever your experience, there is something you can do!


At Wycliffe, we depend on the financial support of partners who want to be the vital link to our work both in Singapore and overseas.

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